Friday, November 12, 2010

Wednesday, 6PM – Topic Meeting on Acceptance

WSO# 30537195

bridge number 712-432-8818
access code 8888#
mute- unmute * 1
FOR ALL MEETING FORMATS ON  712-432-8818  click on:

Please Note: Format changes and updates for this    
meeting should be emailed to: 

Note to secretary***:
Find a speaker for 4th Wednesday
Business meeting on the first Wednesday of the month. Rotation time for secretary: One, two, or three months.

1. Greeting / Opening

Hi, I am _____, your secretary for this Al-Anon meeting. We welcome you to the Wednesday 6 PM Acceptance meeting and hope you will find in this fellowship the help and friendship we have been privileged to enjoy. Chair or volunteer reads Alanon/Alateen Suggested Welcome from:
Alanon/Alateen Service Manual p. 10 or
How Alanon Works p. 8-9

We who live or have lived with the problem of alcoholism understand as perhaps few others can. We, too, were lonely and frustrated, but in Al-Anon/Alateen we discover that no situation is really hopeless and that it is possible for us to find contentment, and even happiness, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
We urge you to try our program. It has helped many of us find solutions that lead to serenity. So much depends on our own attitudes, and as we learn to place our problem in its true perspective, we find it loses its power to dominate our thoughts and our lives.
The family situation is bound to improve as we apply the Al-Anon ideas. Without such spiritual help, living with an alcoholic is too much for most of us. Our thinking becomes distorted by trying to force solutions, and we become irritable and unreasonable without knowing it.
The Al-Anon program is based on the Twelve Steps (adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous), which we try, little by little, one day at a time, to apply to our lives, along with our slogans and the Serenity Prayer. The loving interchange of help among members and daily reading of Al-Anon literature thus make us ready to receive the priceless gift of serenity.

Anonymity is an important principle of the Al-Anon program. Everything that is said here, in the group meeting and member-to-member, must be held in confidence. Only in this way can we feel free to say what is in our minds and hearts, for this is how we help one another in Al-Anon.

2. Serenity Prayer
Let all who wish to unmute by pressing *1 and join us to say the serenity prayer.

3. Phone Etiquette
A few words to the phone etiquette:When you dial in, you start the meeting being muted. Stay muted at all times unless you are sharing. You can un-mute and re-mute yourself by pressing *1 – an automated voice will let you know if you are muted or not.
To hear a menu of all the features such as volume control, member count on the line and other features, simply press * by its self.

4. Readings: We (would) now need volunteers for reading the 12 Steps and the Tradition of the month.

5. Introducing ourselves Now it’s time to go around the globe and introduce ourselves:Hi, I’m ______, from _______.

6. Newcomers?
Do we have any newcomers among us, who would like to say hi?

7. Announcements
Are there any Al-Anon related announcements?

8. How this meeting works:
The topic for this meeting is Acceptance. We will alternate between readings and sharings. People can choose a reading from any of our books on Acceptance and share on it. Or they may just read. Others may just share on the topic of acceptance based on their experience but not on a reading.

9. Timekeeper (if meeting is bigger than 20 people)
We have 3-minute shares do we have a volunteer to be our spiritual timekeeper? When you hear the timekeeper call time, please let them know you heard them by saying Thank you, or I’ll wrap up

10. Open the floor to all
We are now open for reading and sharing. We only time the share not the reading(Would [our timekeeper] like to start us off with a reading of your choice?

11. Begin closing
It is now three minutes to the top of the hour and time to close.
At this meeting we exchange phone numbers and read the list of Al-Anon phone meetings after the official meeting ends.
The bridge remains open for questions and more sharings after the serenity prayer.
Is there someone who can stay after the meeting to greet newcomers and answer questions and continue fellowship?Are there any available sponsors on the line?

12. CLOSING:  Chair or volunteer may read  suggested Al-Anon/Alateen Closing  which may be found in:
AL-Anon/Alateen Service Manual p 22 or
How Alanon Works, pg 396

Suggested Al-Anon Closing (Reprinted from AL-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (p-24/27)
In closing, I would like to say that the opinions expressed here were strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the rest. The things you heard were spoken in confidence and should be treated as confidential. Keep them within the walls of this room and the confines of your mind.
A few special words to those of you who haven’t been with us long: Whatever your problems, there are those among us who have had them too. If you try to keep an open mind you will find help. You will come to realize that there is no situation too difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too great to be lessened. We aren’t perfect. The welcome we give you may not show the warmth we have in our hearts for you. After a while, you’ll discover that though you may not like all of us, you’ll love us in a very special way – the same way we already love you.
Talk to each other, reason things out with someone else, but let there be no gossip or criticism of one another. Instead, let the understanding, love and peace of the program grow in you one day at a time.

14. Thank everybody for their service

15. Serenity Prayer
Let all who wish to unmute by pressing *1 and join us to say the serenity prayer.

16. Names and Numbers
Who would like to ask for a phone number or leave his phone number fro outreach?

17. Meeting schedules
Meetings on this number and access code:

Meeting schedule and phone bridge information can be accessed at
7:00 AM Monday & Friday Just for Today Thursday Topic
8:30 AM Mon - Sunday 11th Step (Sunday starts April 7, 2013)
10:00 AM Saturday Todays date from Daily readers
10:30 AM Wednesday 11th Step
1:30 PM Tuesday Step/Concept/Tradition
6:00 PM Every night: Sunday Read and Share, Monday Step 1-3 , Tuesday Communication, Wednesday Acceptance, Thursday Topic, Friday Serenity Prayer, Saturday 11th Step
10:00PM Sunday Progress not Perfection, Monday Blueprint for Progress, Tuesday Gratitude
Wednesday Discovering Choices, Thursday Blueprint for Progress, Friday Detachment, Saturday Step of Month

Spanish speaking meeting: Sunday, 9PM. 218-486-8700 --- code: 32106 --- prompts in English

Does anybody need the schedule of the other bridge?

18. Fellowship

Future format changes  or comments can be emailed directly to :

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